Gubino cemetery

I only have a few pictures of the Gubino divisional cemetery, which is difficult to reach today and was located in the combat strip of Grenadier Regiment 480 in the buffalo position – approx. 10 kilometers north of Spas-Demensk (Russian Federation).

This photo on the right shows the graves of Private Josef Znojemsky, Sergeant Friedrich Kunst and Private Otto Frerichs in the foreground; all three were members of Ostkompanie 260.

Gräber in spas demensk 1
Source: Collection Jan Bruggink, Assen, NL
Divisionsfriedhof Gubino
Source: Collection Jan Bruggink, Assen, NL

The cemetery was cleared by the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V. in 2010 (German war graves commission).

In several excavation stages from graves that could no longer be recognized above ground, 489 German war dead were recovered.

The remains were buried in Duchovshchina near Smolensk in the summer of 2013.

It will take some time to process the reburial documents. For this reason, the Volksbund is not yet able to determine whether the above-mentioned fallen were also recovered during the work carried out by the reburial service or whether they can be clearly identified.

During the complete evaluation, it will of course also be checked whether the reported original burial (by row and grave number) can be traced on the basis of the find situation.

If possible, known relatives are informed about the completion of the identification work.

You, dear reader, can support the important peace work of the Volksbund with a donation!

The photos below were provided to me by Mr. Jones. His uncle, Fahnenjunker Eduard Fischer, died in Field Hospital 152 near Spas-Demensk and is buried here.

Mr. Jones has created a page at Find-a-Grave for the „Spas-Demensk Heroes‘ Cemetery“.

Courtesy of D. Jones
Courtesy of D. Jones
Courtesy of D. Jones
Field Of Grave Sites
Courtesy of D. Jones
Courtesy of D. Jones

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