Captain Felix Ostermann

Felix Ostermann

Felix Ostermann

Felix Ostermann was born on December 22nd 1917 in Hötting near Innsbruck in Austria.

He entered military service on September 01st 1936.

On August 07th 1943 a large scale offensive of soviet forces was launched against the positions of the 260th Infantry Division east of Roslawl which were held since March 1943

The so called „Divisionsbataillon“, established in March 1943 was led by Captain Ostermann. It was located in a sector north of Spas-Demensk between  Grenadierregiment 460 on the left and Grenadierregiment 480 on the right.

After 3 days of artillery barrage, opposing forces were able to break through on different places. 3 tanks and 180 soldiers attacked Captain Ostermann’s command post. With only 18 men, he defended his position. One thank had the commanders hatch open, he battled his way close to it, threw a grenade inside it and defeated the crew.

A captured T-34 tank in January 1943

A captured T-34 tank in January 1943

With a captured T-34, he started a counter attack. The tank was shot, Ostermann remained unharmed. Together with reinforcements, he was able to throw back enemy forces. Russian forces launched another attack and took the command post. Captain Ostermann rounded up all reserves and stabilized the situation.

For these actions, he was awarded the Knights Cross on August 26th 1943

Captain Felix Ostermann

Captain Felix Ostermann

He was also awarded the following medals:

Captain Felix Ostermann died in October 1997 in Völs / Austria and was buried there.

Captain Ostermann's grave

Captain Ostermann’s grave

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